Advanced Translation Practice Chinese

Please note: this is archived course information from 2017 for CHINESE 747.


The main objective of this course is to encourage students to become active learners in the acquisition of fundamental translation competences. The course offers students an opportunity to foster their individual capability to handle the issues that arise when translating between two languages, ie, Chinese and English. The initial focus of the course will be on the development of students’ ability to deal with the fundamental issues arising when translating between Chinese and English; these issues include, amongst others, sentence structure and use of the passive voice. Subsequently, the course aims to emphasise the role of the student as the translator and the development of their “translator’s competence” in dealing with an actual translation. In this instance, translator competency, such as a student’s individual knowledge of bilingual and bicultural issues, or their ability to problem-solve in translation, will be as crucial as the discussion of the awareness of important translation issues such as, translation function, text analysis, translation brief and translation strategies. These are considered critical to more advanced translation practices dealing with the translation of different text types. The more advanced translation practices will be introduced in Semester 2.

View the course syllabus

Availability 2017

Semester 1




CHINESE 747: 15 points
